your previous input data from the coupling configurator are carried over.
Please refine your input for the product POLY-NORM®.
1. Application
2. Products
Please select product/type
3. Technical Data
Result {{numResults}}
{{ $index+1 }}
{{ e.qty }}
{{ e.matnr }}
{{ e.bez1 + ' ' + e.bez2 }}
{{ > 20 ? 'on demand' : 'on stock' }}
Product information
Dear customer,
the coupling {{}} matches already your requirements to a great extent.
To get support for a more detailled planning please contact our KTR specialists.
To achieve this you can send your previous input as an automatically generated eMail by using the button
or you can use the button
to create a pdf data-sheet summarizing you layout results.
ATTENTION: the Shaft-hub-connection must be checked by the customer!
STEP Download
Model format
{{ $index+1 }}
{{ e.matnr }}
{{ e.bez1 + ' ' + e.bez2 }}
All models packed (ZIP):
Dear customer,
unfortunately we were unable to find a matching coupling.
Please contact our KTR specialists.
You can use the button
to create a Mail prefilled with all relevant information.
Hints regarding the coupling selection with operating factors
The operating factors used are based on experiences estimating the operating behaviour of drive and driven machine. In case of a periodic running of the machines or
when starting or braking larger masses a special selection acc. to DIN 740 or a torsional vibration calculation must be made by the manufacturer of the coupling.
This information is supplied without warranty.
We reserve the right for modifications of dimensions and designs.
Here you can find parameter datasets previously saved by using the button Save parameterset.
By clicking the button Load the dataset is transfered to be used in the configuration.
TKN [Nm]
N [1/min]
P [kjW]
Bore driving [mm]
Bore driven [mm]
{{ $index+1 }}
{{ }}
{{ p.inputTKN }}
{{ p.inputN }}
{{ p.inputP }}
{{ p.inputSB }}
{{ p.inputST }}
{{ p.inputBoreDriving }}
{{ p.inputBoreDriven }}
Inch bore finder
You can select an inch bore by filtering with diameter (inch) and a range of diameter (mm).
To select a bore just click the according line.
KTR Inchcode
Diameter inch
Diameter from
mm to mm
KTR Code
Ød [″]
Ød [mm]
b [″]
b [mm]
t2 [mm]
{{ i.ktrCode }}
{{ i.diameterInch }}
{{ i.diameterMM }}
{{ i.keyWidthInch }}
{{ i.keyWidthMM }}
{{ i.keyDepthMM }}
IEC motor selection
You can select an IEC motor in two steps. Data of a particular motor can be transfered by a single click into the configurator.
1.) E-Motorengröße:
2.) IEC motor variant:
No products selected.
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